U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades

A study published in the journal Science found that butterflies are vanishing from U.S. landscapes at an alarming rate, with 22% disappearing between 2000 and 2020. What do you think?

U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades

“This is really going to put a damper on my frolicking.”

Brandon Teilborg, Pastry Blogger

U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades

“Then who the hell has been pollinating all these flowers?!”

Holly Doyle, Grout Polisher

U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades

“Still got plenty of moths, though. Good ol’ dependable moths.”

Hector Roman, Padding Specialist

The post U.S. Loses A Fifth Of Its Butterflies In 2 Decades appeared first on The Onion.