Sewage Sludge Used As Fertilizer Poses Health Risks

The EPA warned that forever chemicals found in sewage sludge that some farmers use to fertilize fields and pastures can pose a threat to human and animal health. What do you think?

Sewage Sludge Used As Fertilizer Poses Health Risks

“That’s why it’s important to only consume pasteurized sewage sludge.”

Sarah Bial, Thread Counter

Sewage Sludge Used As Fertilizer Poses Health Risks

“Can’t beat that tang though!”

Steve Vorndran, Bean Roaster

Sewage Sludge Used As Fertilizer Poses Health Risks

“I don’t flush anything down my toilet that I wouldn’t eat.”

Gary Flak, Book Collator

The post Sewage Sludge Used As Fertilizer Poses Health Risks appeared first on The Onion.