Bank Robber Pays “Wizard” 500 Bucks To Make Him Invisible

Robber who paid wizard for invisibility

An Iranian man in Tehran found himself in quite a predicament after he attempted to rob a bank with what he believed was the ultimate disguise, complete invisibility! Now, this wasn’t the work of some high-tech gadget or elaborate illusion. No, this guy actually forked over $500 to a self-proclaimed wizard who promised to make him invisible to the naked eye. Armed with the confidence that he was now unseeable, our amateur criminal confidently sauntered into the bank, ready to become the greatest invisible thief the world had ever seen.

With all the swagger of a magician at the peak of his career, he started helping himself to cash right out of people's hands, certain that his magic cloak was working like a charm. He probably expected gasps of shock or maybe the faint whisper of, "What’s happening? The money's floating away!" Instead, he was met with the puzzled stares of the bank's patrons, who could clearly see him performing his not-so-sleight-of-hand.

Reality hit hard when these very visible customers decided they’d had enough of his little magic show and proceeded to tackle him to the floor. It turns out that even when you're convinced you’re invisible, it's tough to ignore the sensation of multiple people pinning you down.

To top it all off, when the police arrived, our would-be invisible man didn't blame the wizard or his own gullibility; no, he claimed that he was the victim in all of this! In his mind, the real crime was that he paid good money to a wizard for the invisibility spell, and somehow everyone else had the nerve to still see him!