Sydney Electrician Invents Device to Stop Drunks Peeing On His Driveway

tinkler sprinkler device to stop public urination

A Sydney homeowner has come up with a bold new way to stop pubgoers from using his driveway as their personal bathroom.

Steve Bodnar’s driveway in Charing Cross has long been a tempting pit stop for desperate drinkers, sandwiched between two local pubs. Over the years, his driveway has seen hundreds of impromptu pit stops.

Despite trying everything to stop them, nothing worked—until now.

Enter the "Tinkler Sprinkler." Bodnar’s ingenious invention is an automatic sprinkler system armed with a motion sensor, designed to soak anyone who steps onto his property with bad intentions.

“They’ll arrive here in an Uber and stop here and then urinate … and leave all their beer cans here,” Bodnar told A Current Affair.

“The chain didn’t work, the cameras didn’t work, the lights didn’t work… the licensing police, the publican, the licensees, the precinct committee.

“I thought the only way I can do this is to maybe wet them.”

Here is how it the device works: As soon as someone walks into the driveway, bright lights flip on, and moments later, the sprinklers spray, catching them right before they get their trousers down.

CCTV footage shows punters reacting in sheer confusion and fleeing out of the driveway before they can relieve themselves.

Watch below as people fail to relieve themselves and end up getting a free shower instead.

Sydney Electrician Invents Device to Stop Drunks Peeing On His Driveway

“It’s completely stopped it,” Bodnar proudly declared.

The system cost him a few thousand dollars, but Bodnar insists it's been worth every penny.